An Live Look Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks WordPress Meetup Event
WordPress Hartford CT Meetup
January 21, 2025
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The Standing WordPress Demo Reminder

Rubiks Wapuu
Your WordPress experience is defined by your theme, plugins, and custom code. WordPress environments can vary greatly!
Understanding concepts is more helpful than specifics.

Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks (Free) Include

Row Layout – Create rows with nested blocks in columns or as a container. Give style to your rows with a background, overlay, padding, etc.

Section – Design sections of content in Row Layout blocks. Add any block to the section and design it using block settings.

Accordion – Create beautiful accordions! Each panel can contain any other block and customized title styles, content background, and borders.

Gallery (Adv) – Create stunning photo galleries, carousels, and sliders! Customize links, captions, image sizes and more for optimal performance.

Buttons (Adv) – Create an advanced button or a row of buttons. Style each one, including hover controls. Plus, you can use an icon and display them side-by-side.

Text (Adv) – Create a heading or paragraph and define sizes for desktop, tablet and mobile along with font family, colors, etc. Use Inline AI editor to improve writing, fix spelling and grammar errors, change tone, etc.

Countdown – Increase your conversions by adding a sense of urgency to your offering with a countdown. Pro includes evergreen campaigns as well.

Count Up – Include an animated number counter to pages and posts. This can potentially add interest to what would otherwise be boring numbers on a screen.

Form – The Form block allows you to not only create custom forms, but style them however you want! With the Form block you have the ability to add unlimited custom fields and it also includes Google ReCaptcha support!

Google Maps – The Google Maps Block displays maps and locations. You can easily customize these maps and use them across your site. The Google Maps Block works seamlessly with the Kadence default API key, but if you have a Google API Key, you can also use it. You can also use Dynamic Sources from Custom Fields.

Icon – Choose from over 1500+ SVG icons to add into your page and style the size, colors, background, border, etc. You can also add multiple icons side-by-side.

Icon List – Add beautiful icons to your lists and make them more engaging and attract viewers’ attention. Over 1500 icons to choose from and unlimited styles.

Info Box – Create an info box containing an icon or image and, optionally, a title, description, and learn more text. Style static and hover separately.

Image (Adv) – The Advanced Image block allows you to add an image that can be highly customized. There are settings to configure the image, allowing you to adjust the photo size, padding, and margin, add a mask, and more. The block lets you insert images from your media library or Pexels.

Lottie Animation – You can import lottie animations into your site. You can choose how the animation plays and control animation speeds, loops, etc.

Site Identify – Displays your Website Logo, Site Title, and Site Tagline. You can choose to display any combination of these elements, or just one, based on your design needs. This feature simplifies the process of customizing how your Site Identity appears throughout your website. You can insert Site Identity Blocks into Kadence Widgets, Advanced Headers, or any location where the Block Editor is available.

Posts – Display a clean grid of posts anywhere on your site, great for your homepage where you want to tease your blog.

Progress Bar – Show progress visually, including how much of a goal has been met, satisfaction rates, and many other use cases.

Search (Adv) – The Search (Adv) Block is used to search for posts, pages, and products across your website. This block can be integrated into theme Theme Widgets, Advanced Headers, and anywhere else the Block Editor is available, enhancing search functionality across your site. The Advanced Search Block offers extensive customization options, including the choice between a standard Search Bar or a pop-up Search Modal, allowing you to adjust it for your design preferences.

Show More – Easily add previews to content with nested blocks of any type. Adjust preview size by device type, apply a fade out, customize advanced buttons, and more.

Spacer / Divider – Easily create a divider and determine the space around it, or just create some space in your content. You can even define the height per screen size.

Table (Adv) – Create and advanced table

Table of Contents – Quickly navigate to headings within your post or page by automatically creating anchor links and a smooth scroll.

Tabs – Create custom vertical or horizontal tab layouts with advanced styling controls. Each tab content is an empty canvas able to contain any other blocks.

Testimonials – Create confidence in your brand or product by showing off beautiful and unique testimonials. Display as a carousel or a grid.

Navigation (Adv) – Kadence Blocks features the Advanced Navigation Block, designed to create, customize, and manage navigations directly from the Block Editor. This block offers a robust alternative to the Classic Navigation system and supports the creation of dynamic navigations on both Classic and Full Site Editing (FSE) websites.

Header (Adv) – The Advanced Header Block, allows you to create Headers directly from the Block Editor. This block offers a limitless alternative to the Classic Header Builder and unlocks the ability to create Kadence Headers on Full Site Editing (FSE) websites and can also be used with traditional themes, like the Kadence Theme. The Advanced Header Block is designed to enable users to create highly customizable headers directly within the Kadence Blocks environment.

Video Popup – A Video Popup is a great way to engage visitors to your website. Using Kadence Blocks, you can create a popup window displaying a video when a visitor clicks the play button. This can be used to showcase a product or service or to provide an introduction to your website. It is an effective way to capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to explore your website further.

Form (Adv) – The powerful form block allows you to easily create a contact or marketing form and style it within the block editor.

Kadence Blocks

Wapuu Dev
It’s Demo Time!
